Minion of the Great Orange Satan

I decided to become a Daily Kos diarist (or, as my conservative friends will say, a minion of the Great Orange Satan).  I started with a diary entry about the confiscation and banning of books in the Tucson Unified School District, put together from two recent posts here on Paul’s Thing (here and here). Only […]

Grammar Nazi

A friend posted this to Facebook yesterday: My drinking friends are always forwarding stories like this.  Sure, booze is good for you.  What the hell, if it makes you feel better about your drinking, you have my permission to believe whatever bogus “study” the liquor industry wants you to believe.  Bottoms up! But it isn’t […]

Attack of the Brain-Eating Facebook

Oh, scare-mongering media, what will you terrify us with next? Well, what more can one say about that?  Really.  Brain-eating ameobae.  I’ll never put anything up my nose again.  Not even a finger. More current news, as seen on Facebook: Anent the Dear Leader’s demise, I couldn’t help making a few jokes, but I’m saddened […]

How About a Free Guest Post?

I’m sure other bloggers get pitches like this all the time: I’m __________, owner of Since noticing you’ve accepted guest posts on in the past, I wondered if you’d extend me the opportunity to also write a guest post for your website. If so I will research and compose an original article specifically […]

Friday Bag o’ Fries

Arizona, my Arizona (and you thought I only made fun of the fine folks of Cape Girardeau, Missouri) … the city of Prescott approves a college senior’s project to build a bench in a public park. Among the mosaic tile designs on the bench are a Star of David and a peace symbol. The city […]

Back on the Bike, Grab Bag in Hand

I’m insanely jealous of a friend in Marin County who got serious about bicycling this year and lost all kinds of weight.  So insanely jealous that I actually got on my bicycle this morning and rode 8.5 miles.  A few months ago, before the summer heat descended upon Tucson, I’d been riding two to three […]

Tuesday Bag o’ Links

How’s that Nook e-reader I got for my birthday last year working out?  Glad you asked.  Over the past year my reading has been about 25% Nook, 75% book (I keep a record of the books I’ve read, and I actually counted).  That strikes me as about right: e-books cost money and library books are […]

Damn You, Zuckerburg

Did Facebook shoot itself in the face with its latest format change?  My friends are posting messages like these: “Zucky may not give a hoot right now, but he will when we’re all on Diaspora.” “Social media rethink. Twitter account is gone, G+ account is on the chopping block, and having serious thoughts about closing […]