If It Quacks Like a Nazi …
Monday, during the presidential inauguration ceremony in Washington DC, Elon Musk twice made outstretched, flat palm gestures with his right arm, widely interpreted as Nazi salutes.
"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe." — Albert Einstein
Shape of Earth: Views Differ
Monday, during the presidential inauguration ceremony in Washington DC, Elon Musk twice made outstretched, flat palm gestures with his right arm, widely interpreted as Nazi salutes.
It’s a crock, all of it. Settle down, all right?
There. The KC-10 Extender retires after 44 years of service, and I have to make it all about me!
What did I get wrong this time? Believing something I read about F-15 Eagles and reposting it to Twitter, that’s what.
And I’ll tell you what, those two astronauts better be getting some kind of voucher from Boeing!
In my day, intercepting potential enemy aircraft in the Alaska ADIZ, the potential enemy was Russia. China was not a factor.
If you’ve a sharp eye you’ll notice my watch is on the wrong wrist.
Like a lot of you, I watched last week’s debate between President Biden and the Electoral College-installed former president with dismay.