Tuesday Bag o’ News
Things could be worse! And have been!
"When I do not want to say things in real life I often say them here." — Mimi Smartypants
You really never leave
Things could be worse! And have been!
So the 14-year-old kid who committed the latest school shooting started making threats when he was 13, came to the attention of the FBI and local law enforcement, was questioned, and put on a watch list.
What did I get wrong this time? Believing something I read about F-15 Eagles and reposting it to Twitter, that’s what.
And I’ll tell you what, those two astronauts better be getting some kind of voucher from Boeing!
Observations on aviation-related stories in the news.
In my day, intercepting potential enemy aircraft in the Alaska ADIZ, the potential enemy was Russia. China was not a factor.
I hope you’ll forgive me for posting more wristwatch photos.
Anything else, at this point, is speculation, and we’re not supposed to comment until the facts are known. Well, the further I get from the long arm of the Air Force, the less I’m inclined to observe the pieties, so I’m just gonna jump in the speculation canal with both feet. Up to my neck.