Air-Minded: Paying the Piper (G Forces & Long-Term Damage)
My friend Burt, a regular Paul’s Thing reader, alerted me to a New York Times article on potential long-term physical and mental health effects of flying fighter aircraft.
"When I do not want to say things in real life I often say them here." — Mimi Smartypants
Aviation-related posts
My friend Burt, a regular Paul’s Thing reader, alerted me to a New York Times article on potential long-term physical and mental health effects of flying fighter aircraft.
Take it from here, eagle-eyed aviation fans!
It’s election day here in the States. My way of avoiding anxiety-inducing news and social media is to stay busy with something else: namely, a visit to Pima Air & Space Museum, a long session of photo editing, and now, as the time for early projections approaches, the task of putting together a blog post.
One thing I’m sure of: it’s not a real scramble but a staged photo, taken for PR purposes.
There. The KC-10 Extender retires after 44 years of service, and I have to make it all about me!
I’m tickled to see my own name still on the wall, alongside those of fondly-remembered squadronmates.
Things could be worse! And have been!
So the 14-year-old kid who committed the latest school shooting started making threats when he was 13, came to the attention of the FBI and local law enforcement, was questioned, and put on a watch list.