There Can Be Only One
He’s showing us his soul. He means it.
"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe." — Albert Einstein
He’s showing us his soul. He means it.
You Can’t Read That! is a periodic post about book banning and censorship. YCRT! features news and opinion roundups, commentary, history, and reviews.
Six short book reviews: historical fiction, horror, science fiction
That’s unsat, Uncle Sam.
Not gonna be a 21st century Good German. Don’t you be one either. Resist.
I kept my letters focused on pay, benefits, and healthcare — all of which seem suddenly to be on Trump & Musk’s chopping block — without which Donna and I would be destitute and homeless.
Archie Bunker. That’s who’s in the White House.
Give big space to the festive dog that makes sport in the roadway. Avoid entanglement of dog with your wheel spokes.