Quality Time with Clickbait
The day may come when you can’t scroll past ads on social media. TV and the cable companies are leading the way on that front, disabling fast-forwarding through commercial breaks.
"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe." — Albert Einstein
The day may come when you can’t scroll past ads on social media. TV and the cable companies are leading the way on that front, disabling fast-forwarding through commercial breaks.
I’m happy we got al-Baghdadi, but appalled at Trump’s me-me-me touchdown dance, belittling Obama while trying to be Obama, failing at both.
Donna and I went for a motorcycle ride Saturday. I attached a GoPro to the top of my helmet and recorded the good part, the ride up to Kitt Peak National Observatory and back down again. Later I cut several 30-second bits from the longer video and spliced them together in three short clips. This […]
I rode to Willcox, Arizona and back on Sunday with my friend and motorcycle maintenance guru Ed. I ask you, how could I resist stopping for a quick photo op at the namesake of my own blog? It appears the infamous old roadside attraction has been improved by the addition of fireworks, dinosaurs, and space […]
Sugar is insidious. It sneaks up on you and before you know it you’re a deranged addict, passed out at the stoplight with a crying infant strapped to the car seat next to you, the shame of the world. Just sayin’. I’m scheduled for three skin cancer surgeries in May. Each is on a Tuesday, […]
Who’d a thunk late-stage capitalism would bring on a new Dark Age by restricting access to information to those who can afford to pay for it?
My stampede string came and I attached it to the new sun hat. It’s western, braided leather with silver tips, and pretty long. I’m trying to figure out the best way to wear it when it’s not snugged up under my chin on a windy day. Should I loop it over the brim with the […]
Poor Maxie. I called her Schatzi this morning. I don’t know if she noticed, but I did, and it set me back a little. Donna’s away again, though not far. She’s at a retreat with fellow members of the local American Sewing Guild. Every year about this time they hole up in a Tucson resort hotel with their […]