Social media is rumor central.
"When I do not want to say things in real life I often say them here." — Mimi Smartypants
Social media is rumor central.
I have some aviation and automotive updates for you today.
Ah, but you see, if there is Trumpism, there must be Bidenism. For balance! If Trumpites commit crimes and try to overturn elections, there must be Bidenites doing the same thing on the other side! Because both sides!
“Pits, tits, and naughty bits”
We’re all assholes in real life. Thank goodness some of us are capable of producing great art in spite of it.
Don’t believe what they say. Believe what you see (even when the bodycam and witness videos back up the police version of events).
Maybe instead of reading Dr. Spock when we were young parents, we should have been watching the birds.
It’s hard not to think about race, even when you don’t want to.