Air-Minded: Name that Plane

If you follow aviation accounts on social media, you’ve probably noticed how quick fellow aviation buffs are to pounce on photos of unidentified aircraft. The only thing worse is when the original poster gets the aircraft type or model wrong … then it’s Katie bar the door!

Distance, Please (Updated)

Maybe we should come up with a standardized personal space reminder phrase, something along the lines of “Distance, please.” You know, like skiers and bicyclists with their “On your left,” like the French with their “bonjours,” like that one friend we all have with his “You gonna eat those fries?”

Tubac Car Show 2020 Photoblog

The annual collector car show on the golf course at Tubac was yesterday. So too was the annual Sunnywood Estates homeowners’ association meeting. On the agenda: the election of new board members … and I was a nominee. Guess which event I rode my motorcycle to?