Dose of Reality
But hey, Joe Biden, you don’t need anyone’s approval to commute Reality Winner’s prison sentence, so how about it?
"When I do not want to say things in real life I often say them here." — Mimi Smartypants
But hey, Joe Biden, you don’t need anyone’s approval to commute Reality Winner’s prison sentence, so how about it?
When you turn 65 and go on Medicare, you get one last physical examination.
I’m on my own but there are leftovers in the fridge and I shan’t want for entertainment.
Pandemic? What pandemic?
The real sheep are those who let the stupids get to them and quit wearing masks because they want to look tough.
Feels like time for another photoblog, doesn’t it?
It’s been ten days since I sent the account info to PayPal and they haven’t made the deposit, so I remain a nobody and the coffee’s gone cold.
It has often occurred to me that perhaps the comparatively new science of aviation will bring the making of wars to an end by reason of the very terrible consequences which will fall upon those nations which, in the future, have the temerity to declare war upon each other.