Iron Major
You don’t have to be a literal major to be an iron one; it’s a matter of position and attitude.
"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe." — Albert Einstein
You don’t have to be a literal major to be an iron one; it’s a matter of position and attitude.
In the spirit of living large, I asked my barber for a flat top. Hey, it’s a look. A cop look.
The library sent an email to remind us a book Donna borrowed is coming due. I told her I’d take it back when she’s done. I must have uttered the L-word, because Mister B jumped down from the couch and ran to the back door, which leads to the garage, wherein waits the truck and […]
I didn’t listen to Rush Limbaugh’s radio show, but like everyone else couldn’t avoid hearing parts of it from time to time. I remember a segment Rush tried to pass off a live roast of Hillary Clinton, but which was actually him alone in the studio cracking wise to short audio clips of Clinton taken […]
Donna and I got our first COVID-19 shots yesterday. With vaccinations being administered by states and counties, everyone’s experience will be different; FWIW, here’s how it went for us:
It’s been a rough week for this Buffy fan, as actors and writers who worked on that and other Joss Whedon-produced shows come forward to accuse him of abuse and misconduct.
Where am I going with all this? Not where you might think.
“’Stocking up’ is what our robust Americans called it, laughing nervously, because profligate abundance automatically evokes its opposite, the unspoken specter of dearth.” — Ruth Ozeki, My Year of Meats My Year of Meats by Ruth Ozeki A friend read a book I recommended and in turn recommended this one to me. I was put […]