Dose of Reality
But hey, Joe Biden, you don’t need anyone’s approval to commute Reality Winner’s prison sentence, so how about it?
"When I do not want to say things in real life I often say them here." — Mimi Smartypants
Our vanishing money
But hey, Joe Biden, you don’t need anyone’s approval to commute Reality Winner’s prison sentence, so how about it?
… Maxie, who was an older girl when we got her, had never been leash trained and to this day doesn’t know what to do when we hook her up to one.
I met Mayor Carolyn Goodman in March 2014, on a motorcycle trip to visit my son in Las Vegas.
I shouldn’t, but I always give the pups a pinch of whatever I’m having for lunch.
It’s getting old, blogging about sheltering in place. But we’ve got it easy — for far too many Americans, the shutdown isn’t merely old, it’s a financial disaster.
Isn’t it about time we impose visibility and braking action limits on drivers? Or at a minimum, on drivers of large commercial vehicles?
If you’re doing something people need, it’s not menial or beneath you. Don’t disparage honest work.
The shutdown? I got nuthin’. And if I did, who’d listen? Careful what you wish for, yadda yadda, but I’m kind of hoping it’ll be the FAA air traffic controllers who force the issue by stopping work en masse.