Increasingly Thinking I Picked the Wrong Century to Quit Drinking

Why is everything so goddamn hard? Fucking coronavirus. It’s easy to understand why so many people want to pretend it’s no longer a threat and get back to normal life.

Glass Doors and Class Wars

Our remodeling project continues* with yesterday’s installation of new patio doors in the living room and master bedroom. *I know I said at one time the remodeling project would be done with the installation of these doors, but Donna hopes to replace the rest of our windows sometime next year, so there’ll be no more […]

And Mexico Will Pay for It

I’ve been reading a long profile of the late Toni Morrison in The New Yorker (“Ghosts in the House,” Oct 27, 2003). In it she recalled her family’s instinctive and deep-seated mistrust of white people. Morrison’s memory struck a chord, because I’ve only recently come to appreciate the extent to which I share it.