Increasingly Thinking I Picked the Wrong Century to Quit Drinking

Why is everything so goddamn hard? Fucking coronavirus. It’s easy to understand why so many people want to pretend it’s no longer a threat and get back to normal life.

I Know, Let’s Have a Debate!

We watched the first Democratic presidential debate this week. Judging by the wealth of post-debate comments posted on social media, we weren’t alone. Most of us who sat down to watch already knew our own favored candidate would win, and funnily enough, that’s exactly how it worked out. I’m no different. I favored Hillary Clinton going in, […]

The Test

Conservative friends tell me Democrats are the real racists, not them. Their argument, if you can call it one, is based on the universally-acknowledged fact that the Democratic Party was, during the Jim Crow era, the party of white southerners. They love to point out that Senator Robert Byrd, a Democrat, was once a member […]