Wednesday Bag o’ Returned Mail
Is mail forwarding no longer a thing?
"When I do not want to say things in real life I often say them here." — Mimi Smartypants
Is mail forwarding no longer a thing?
Suddenly there’s no traffic. We’ve never heard so many birds. We could get used to this.
Hunker down and peace out, dear friends. Look at it this way … by staying and working from home, we’re helping protect our more vulnerable neighbors.
I feel, if it’s Biden versus Trump, the election will be a referendum on values and morality. It’ll be interesting to see whether America wants that in a president or not.
What matters? Where you put the apostrophe.
Canned laughter. Who does that any more?
We didn’t watch Trump’s state of the union speech last night and after hearing about it I’m glad we didn’t. Of course everyone’s talking about it on Facebook and Twitter, so it’s not like we missed much.
I swear, these God-bothering scolds keep padding their lists.