Zombie Hermit Mode
October 31st, incidentally my birthday, is almost here. Why Halloween isn’t a national holiday continues to baffle me. As do many things.
"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe." — Albert Einstein
October 31st, incidentally my birthday, is almost here. Why Halloween isn’t a national holiday continues to baffle me. As do many things.
Well, another year shot to hell.
Some of my friends now believe Trump never had COVID1-19, that his brief stay at Walter Reed was a campaign stunt.
What, you say Hallowe’en isn’t a national holiday? Well, it damn well should be!
Latest project: weaning myself off ibuprofen. I’ve been taking it on days I know my new knee’s going to get a workout, Tuesdays and Thursdays when I hit the gym for example, bicycling Saturdays, and Mondays, when I know I’ll be walking and on my feet all day at the air museum. Everyone says ibuprofen […]
It’s Hallowe’en, aka All Hallows’ Evening, the eve of the Western Christian feast of All Hallows’ Day, which begins the three days of Allhallowtide, the time in the liturgical year dedicated to remembering the dead, including saints, martyrs, and all the faithful departed believers (I swiped this info from Wikipedia). Honestly, I have no idea how the Mike Huckabees […]
The new trailer’s home, parked behind the new fence we had built to screen it from view. I’m fighting the urge to hook it to the new truck and drive around for no reason. There’ll be plenty of occasions to use it, and soon. Donna says I’ve had my birthday and Christmas, not just this year but all the […]
Earlier this week the Pima Air & Space Museum stayed open late for its annual Halloween Fright Night, an event for kids. When I went in yesterday to lead my weekly walking tours, the Fright Night decor was still up, so I asked another volunteer to snap my photo by this macabre diorama. The coffin and […]