Monday Bag o’ Imposter Syndrome
Sometimes, most often with banned book posts, I experience imposter syndrome, that unsettling feeling of pretending to be someone I’m not.
"When I do not want to say things in real life I often say them here." — Mimi Smartypants
On the internet, nobody knows you’re a dog
Sometimes, most often with banned book posts, I experience imposter syndrome, that unsettling feeling of pretending to be someone I’m not.
“Those who go out of their way to be offended never waste the trip.”
Looking through the Paul’s Thing archives this morning I found this, a post from February 2009, when the “25 Random Things About Myself” meme was all over Facebook. My answers were anything but random, but they were honest … and they’re all still true. I’ve actually lost sleep worrying about one of my middle names. […]
Russian bot accounts are a standing joke on Twitter. Turns out I may have one among my followers.
They say the Birds Aren’t Real “movement” is satirical, but so was Ivermectin, and look how that turned out.
See? We don’t always have to choose the stupid thing!
Diaries, to me, are private. Blogs are public, meant to be shared.
“I think for a buck or two you can display the secure wwws.irl heading, making many of us more comfortable.”