The Glorious … Wait, What?
Something tells me I should lead off by saying I don’t endorse this. Even so, my first reaction on seeing it was to say “Wow, take a stand much, Pima County Democratic Party?”
"When I do not want to say things in real life I often say them here." — Mimi Smartypants
It didn’t happen if there are no pix
Something tells me I should lead off by saying I don’t endorse this. Even so, my first reaction on seeing it was to say “Wow, take a stand much, Pima County Democratic Party?”
Putting out the garbage first thing in the morning once a week is just an extra step in my morning chores. So far it’s working: today there’s garbage all up and down the street, but none of it’s ours.
By the time I clicked back to the library checkout page, the downloading issue had resolved and the book’s now on my Kindle, ready for a leisurely yet obsessive read. Happy happy!
I’m home alone and living on takeout so the kitchen stays clean until Donna’s return tomorrow morning.
I visited Pima Air and Space Museum in Tucson this morning.
Hey, it’s not like I’m the only spendthrift hobbiest in the house.
My wild one streak came to an end yesterday when a nice man from Sonora came up and bought my motorcycle.
I was about to title this post “The Case of the Purloined Pups” but then realized no one would get it until the end.