Air-Minded: Bob’s Your Back-Seater
I’m sure aviators everywhere chew over details, goofs, and errors in flying movies. And like me, I’m sure they love watching them.
"When I do not want to say things in real life I often say them here." — Mimi Smartypants
I’m sure aviators everywhere chew over details, goofs, and errors in flying movies. And like me, I’m sure they love watching them.
Saturday afternoon, a U-Haul truck carrying 31 masked and uniformed members of the Patriot Front was stopped in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho. The thugs in the back of the truck were on their way to a Pride event at a local park, where they clearly intended to bust heads.
You could fly coast to coast in 1930, but your trip would entail a mix of short flights by day, overnight train rides, and occasional hotel stays when airline and train timetables didn’t mesh.
You Can’t Read That! is a periodic post about book banning, featuring news and opinion roundups, personal observations, and reviews
And those phone calls? Mostly from Donna, little tugs on my electronic leash.
Best had some shining moments in The Monster Walks. I could see there was more to him than a copycat Stepin Fetchit.
Yes, that is a Betty Ford Rehab Hash T-shirt (he said, bursting with grandfatherly pride).
Six short book reviews: fiction, nonfiction, historical fiction, science fiction