Monday Ketchup Catchup Blogging

I took a blogging break over the weekend.  A friend came to visit and we put him up on the Murphy bed in the home office, limiting our access to the computers.  Yeah, I could have done something with the iPad, but who has the patience to peck out an entire blog post with one […]

Missing Dog Found!

It’s warmer this morning, but the wind’s blowing like crazy.  Despite my lingering cold, I was going to hop on my mountain bike and scout out the Hash House Harrier trail I promised to set this Sunday, but I think I’ll put that adventure off until the gusts die down to tropical storm strength. When […]

An Update from 99% Land

What’s new? An Australian friend from Perth, traveling around the States on a two-month sojourn, dropped by to spend the weekend. Since John’s a fellow Hash House Harrier I took him hashing Saturday night. The hash started an hour late and trail took two and a half hours to finish, and of course we went […]

Missing Buckwheat

Just back from my Tuesday morning bicycle ride, a 12.5 mile loop through neighborhoods near my house.  When I ride from home I take one of two routes, both mapped out so that I get 9-10 miles in before stopping at the coffee shop 2.5 miles south of here.  I’m one of those people who […]

Friday Grab Bag

I know, bloggage has been sparse this week; my mind was elsewhere. Where, you ask? Well, if I knew, I’d turn it into a blog post.  On second thought, maybe I will! At least some of my brain cells have been occupied with Hash House Harrier business. A hasher wrote to demand I condemn two […]

Friday Odds & Ends

A friend lent me two hard science fiction novels, one sword & sorcery fantasy novel, and one Arthurian romance. I thought I’d enjoy the hard sci-fi (and I do) but her brand new paperbacks are in such perfect condition I’m afraid to open the pages wide enough to read because I’ll crease the books’ spines […]

The More You Back Down, the Easier it Gets

I took my last US Air Force physical this morning.  No, I’m no longer on active duty, but for the last 13 years I’ve gotten my medical care from USAF doctors at the Davis-Monthan AFB clinic here in Tucson.  When I turn 65 later this year, I’ll go on Medicare like everyone else and will […]