Half-Mind Weblog: Going, Going …

I have decided to take down the Half-Mind Weblog, probably next week. If there are any objections, now is the time to voice them. I’m preserving some of my favorite Half-Mind Weblog posts here on Paul’s Thing. Look for a Half-Mind Index on the right sidebar, which will contain links to those posts. I’m working on the […]

Long Live the Blog

… when I look at what passes today for free online and electronically-delivered written content … long posts that nobody reads on Facebook, threaded posts on Twitter, Tumblr and Storify accounts, email newsletters … it’s hard to figure out why these forms are any better than the traditional weblog.

Friday (the 13th) Bag o’ Friendship

It’s okay to be whoever and whatever you are, including white, but it’s not okay to say “it’s okay to be white.” Those are code words used by the alt-right. Saying “it’s okay to be white” is the equivalent of waving an All Lives Matter sign at a Black Lives Matter demonstration: your meaning is clear to everyone.