My Bawdy Muse
I blogged about bawdy songbooks — mine and others’ — in April, 2015, and will share with you what I wrote then.
"Your one-stop source for improper ideology and freedom seeds."
I blogged about bawdy songbooks — mine and others’ — in April, 2015, and will share with you what I wrote then.
In 2011, when I started leading visitors on walking tours of the aircraft in Pima Air and Space Museum’s exhibit hangars, PASM had a fantastic volunteer program.
I’m putting this Air-Minded post back at the top of the blog because it’s an interesting bit of aviation history; new, I hope, to some of my readers. I wrote it in 2012, at a time when Mitt Romney and John McCain were competing for the Republican presidential nomination and the US military services were floating […]
I don’t think of myself as a conformist, although I served on active duty and wore a uniform every day for 24 years. Even today, I feel proud when I put on my uniform shirt to go work at the air museum. I’m still me, but I’m happy to represent institutions I believe in and voluntarily join, and feel like wearing their colors … no different than a Hash House Harrier or Hells Angel … sets me apart.
This Air-Minded post was originally published in June 2012. I’m moving it back to the top of the blog after removing some link rot and adding new photos. —Paul If my fighter pilot friends are wondering about me after my earlier post on the F-101B Voodoo air defense interceptor, they’ll surely think I’ve lost my […]
“Carry a barf bag whether you think you’re prone to airsickness or not,” my instructor pilot said, “because you never know.”
See my earlier speculations on the possibility of new F-15s for the USAF: The Non-Starter Option? Non-Starter Option Revisited The first post addressed three “legacy” fighter aircraft still in production for overseas customers (F/A-18, F-16, and F-15), and wondered if the US military might be talked into extending the lives of its own fleets by buying new ones. […]
Stag bars and strippers went away over 40 years ago. Women have been flying USAF aircraft since the 1970s, and flying fighters since the 1990s. Does this guy seriously think Trump or Mattis is going to reverse time? Or that treating women as property and sex objects makes leaders?