Air-Minded: A Different Shade of Gray (Updated)
There’s no money to reopen the F-22 production line, let alone design and build a new air-to-air fighter, but hey, they still make F-15s in St. Louis — why not buy some new ones?
"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe." — Albert Einstein
There’s no money to reopen the F-22 production line, let alone design and build a new air-to-air fighter, but hey, they still make F-15s in St. Louis — why not buy some new ones?
See my earlier speculations on the possibility of new F-15s for the USAF: The Non-Starter Option? Non-Starter Option Revisited The first post addressed three “legacy” fighter aircraft still in production for overseas customers (F/A-18, F-16, and F-15), and wondered if the US military might be talked into extending the lives of its own fleets by buying new ones. […]