White Elephant Photoblog
Christmas spirit? Not feeling it yet. I’m sure it’ll come. Probably on Christmas morning, about the time I put Handel’s Messiah on the CD player.
"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe." — Albert Einstein
Christmas spirit? Not feeling it yet. I’m sure it’ll come. Probably on Christmas morning, about the time I put Handel’s Messiah on the CD player.
I never know what to say to friends when they get bad news like this. Who does? I’ll be working on that, and in the meantime calling up good memories of our times together.
Mr. B snagged a pound of hamburger off the edge of the kitchen counter and snarfed it down—including the plastic wrapping. That was a week and a half ago. He didn’t eat for 24 hours. His poops, over the next two or three days, had us wondering if we should call the vet, but he’s back to normal […]
I find myself, once again, apologizing for light bloggage. Oh, excuses aplenty: mainly that the kids were here for Thanksgiving, but I can come up with more if pressed. Oh, man, “days” sure bunch up after Thanksgiving: Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, Cyber Monday, Giving Tuesday (which the travel industry wants to label “Travel Deal Tuesday”). It’s an outright […]
It’s been a couple of weeks. Our goddaughter Natasha and her five-year-old daughter Giorgianna have been here for several days, not counting side trips to northern Arizona and New Mexico. Donna took them to the airport this morning for their flight home to San Jose. Our granddaughter Taylor came down from Las Vegas last Friday […]
Some time last week it got cold. No autumn lead-in, just straight to winter. Oh, maybe a little: over a ten-day period nighttime temperatures started dropping down into the 40s, but we were still hitting 90 during the day. Nothing I would call autumn, in any case. Then, wham, it’s freezing at night and everyone […]