Wednesday Updates
That’s all I’ve got today. Going to go worry over my dog.
"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe." — Albert Einstein
That’s all I’ve got today. Going to go worry over my dog.
A sensible person would quit while he’s ahead, forget about the Orient in the bush and settle for the Casio in hand. Give you one guess what I’m going to do.
You Can’t Read That! is a periodic post about book banning, featuring news and opinion roundups, personal observations, and reviews.
Funny how whenever government offers help to low- and middle-income folks it’s pouring gas on the inflationary fire, but when the 1% demands another tax break or the Saudis want cluster bombs to murder Yemenis, it’s like are you sure you don’t want another trillion or two?
As to the challenges and bans taking place around the country as organized groups of reactionaries pretending to be parents disrupt school board meetings over “Me and Earl and the Dying Girl,” claiming it’s pornographic: no, it is anything but.
Sometimes, most often with banned book posts, I experience imposter syndrome, that unsettling feeling of pretending to be someone I’m not.
We’re excited about the new federal ruling authorizing non-prescription over-the-counter hearing aid sales
Made breakfast for my beloved this morning — scrambled eggs with scallions and linguica, sliced honeydew melon and an English muffin on the side.