Friday Bag o’ Random Crap

Today’s domestic project was to flush out the water heater. Until a year ago I didn’t know this was something I was supposed to do, but our plumber set us straight and now it’s on the annual to-do list. Why is it important? Because sediment from hard water builds up inside, makes it inefficient, and […]

Thursday Bag o’ Geekery

Donna’s old Dell died this week, and last night we ordered a new MacBook Pro to replace it. Slowly but surely, Macs are edging out PCs around these parts. Four or even three years ago, if someone had told me we’d ever drink Steve Jobs’ Koolaid, I’d have scoffed. But then I got an iPad, […]

Sound and Fury, Signifying Nothing

Three furious headlines: Chris Matthews Backs Anti-Abortion Shill Into A Corner Allen West Blasts ‘Misconceived’ Policy On Women In Combat S. Korean Authorities’ Fascist Oppression Flayed The first is from a leftie site called Crooks & Liars; the second from a right-leaning site called Mediaite; the third from North Korea’s Central News Agency. Each one […]

Thursday Bag o’ Embarrassment

Yesterday one of my Woodford nieces posted an arresting image to Facebook: a photo of a woman wearing a hoop earring from which was suspended a severed human ear. Fake, I hoped, but it looked real. The way my mind works, I immediately thought of a passage from Peter Heller’s The Dog Stars, a post-apocalyptic […]

Facebook Common Sense

A friend posted this to Facebook yesterday: Like you, probably, I didn’t recognize the guy in the photo. Is he the head of some teabagger group calling for the impeachment of the President? Out of curiosity I clicked the “See More” link. Turns out the guy’s a respected reporter named Charley Reese. The link takes […]