On the General Coarsening of Society

Speaking of bringing society down, why is it that whenever I see a sexually crude, grossly inappropriate post on Facebook, it was put there by a fellow Hash House Harrier? What are we, a pack of sniggering 13-year-olds?

Halfmindistan SITREP

My forces have been engaged in Halfmindistan for 15 years, almost as long as my country has been in Afghanistan. It may seem inappropriate to use a military metaphor for blogging about the hash, but if feel as if I’m at war with my hashing blog these days, so here’s a SITREP to bring you up to date.

Knuckledragging in Las Vegas

I cross-posted this from my Hash House Harrier blog. As a hasher, I belong to a motorcycle hash kennel, the Knuckledraggers. I founded the Baja Arizona chapter, and a few days ago rode with members of the Las Vegas chapter. I’ll leave it to you to figure out the hash names and terminology. —Paul Woodford […]

OTR Fini

Whenever we take a road trip, by motorcycle or car or airplane, I post OTR (on the road) updates to social media. When we return, the entry is “OTR fini.” Donna and I, with our friend Mary Anne, drove to Las Vegas Tuesday for a departed friend’s memorial service, which was held on Wednesday. We […]

Tuesday Bag o’ Callsigns (Updated 2/5/18)

That leaves Marine One, the callsign used by USMC helicopter crews flying the current president to and from the White House. This is the point of highest danger on my tour, because I refuse to say that president’s name. “Current president” is as close as I come; I have to carefully engage my tongue to my brain lest I blurt out “President Individual One” or something worse.

Friday Bag o’ Happiness

You’re an educated person, dear reader, and I didn’t mean to insult you. I’m talking to people like Donald Trump of Mar-a-Lago, Governor Rick Scott in Florida, and Secretary of State Brian Kemp in Georgia, all of whom are abusing the powers of the offices they hold to claim the normal counting of ballots is voter fraud, and to stop the count while the vote is going their way.