Note to Self
Stepstools and ladders and stairs, oh my.
"When I do not want to say things in real life I often say them here." — Mimi Smartypants
What’s going on in my life
Stepstools and ladders and stairs, oh my.
As always, happy to be home, sorry we don’t live closer to both our kids … but really, 400 miles isn’t that far and as far as that goes we’re more fortunate than most families.
Here’s to you, Patches, my old friend!
When we walk, Fritzi and Lulu bark at anything and everything.
Looking through the Paul’s Thing archives this morning I found this, a post from February 2009, when the “25 Random Things About Myself” meme was all over Facebook. My answers were anything but random, but they were honest … and they’re all still true. I’ve actually lost sleep worrying about one of my middle names. […]
Is it just me, or does the KOLD News 13 staff seem giddy with excitement?
Well, I’ll be damned — it’s Twosday, 2/22/22.
I shouldn’t give a shit about the things celebrities get up to, but I’m terribly disappointed with comedian Patton Oswalt for participating in online sports book advertisements on TV. Not many things are sins in my book, but gambling is one, and moreover one with a devastating effect on families. Shame on me for thinking Oswalt was one of the good guys.