Monday Bag o’ Nuts & Bolts

If you checked in on Twitter any time during the past week, you probably saw multiple references to the Grantland story. Grantland, an online magazine associated with ESPN, ran an article about “Dr. V,” the mysterious woman behind Yar Golf. The journalist, Caleb Hannan, set out to write about a radical new putter taking the […]

Friday Bag o’ Nuthin’

I feel the need to blog but my bag is empty. I notice that doesn’t stop other bloggers, though, so what the hell. Including what’s left of today, five days remain before my first knee replacement operation. I want to get out on the motorcycle today. No plan: maybe a Barnes & Noble run, then […]


We’re taking our grandson Quentin bicycling tomorrow morning.  Our friend Mary Anne is bringing along her granddaughter Jade.  To keep the kids entertained, I thought we’d mix bicycling with geocaching.  Turns out there are several caches near the park we’re meeting at tomorrow. Not wanting to embarrass myself in front of the children (or the adults), […]

Would You Like Some Religious Intolerance with That?

Over time I’ve culled most of the outright racists from my pool of Facebook friends. Sometimes, though, people post shit like this, intending only to share something they thought funny, failing to see the thuggishness and racism behind the “humor.” If the message on the sign had been anti-Semitic, my friend never would have posted […]

That’s What I’m Talking About!

Apropos of nothing, two thoughts on nakedness and sex in HBO’s Game of Thrones. One, typecasting. Take British actress Esmé Bianco, who plays the prostitute Ros.  When on camera she’s often nude, sometimes fully so, even, in one scene, simulating lesbian sex with another female actress.  By taking this role, has she limited her career options? […]

Thursday Odds & Ends

I shouldn’t say odds & ends.  It sounds too final.  What I should say is odds, ends, & re-beginnings.  Is re-beginnings a word?  Sure, why the hell not? In Wyoming, during 8th and 9th grade, I had a best buddy.  I moved to California but we kept in touch, and when I graduated from high […]