You Can’t Read That! Banned Book Review Lookback: Montana 1948

You Can’t Read That! is a periodic post featuring banned book reviews and news roundups. YCRT! News Wisconsin man banned from libraries. All libraries, that is. On the earth. “Carter was out in the open, not trying to conceal his act.” I wish I could report that his act involved a banned book, but alas, it did […]

That’s What I’m Talking About!

Apropos of nothing, two thoughts on nakedness and sex in HBO’s Game of Thrones. One, typecasting. Take British actress Esmé Bianco, who plays the prostitute Ros.  When on camera she’s often nude, sometimes fully so, even, in one scene, simulating lesbian sex with another female actress.  By taking this role, has she limited her career options? […]

Monday Bag of Apples

My old PC started to die a couple of months ago.  As time went on the process accelerated.  I decided it was time for a new difference engine, so I made a fresh backup and went shopping.  While looking at new PCs and trying to sort out what kind of core to order, how much […]

Paul’s Book Reviews: An Omnivore’s Mix

“Nobody could have held it against the guides at Eigergletscher Station if they had refused to take a single step onto the Face when they heard of the accident. But there was one man still alive. They were all determined to rescue him, to snatch him, if possible, from the clutches of that fatal wall.” […]