Wednesday Bag o’ Sit

Or Shack o’ Sit, if you prefer. Cleverly vulgar signs and business names are funny the first time you see them, but the humor wears out fast. Used to be, I’d see photos like this on Facebook and instantly share them with all my friends. These days I try to exercise restraint … and yet here I am leading […]

Monday Bag o’ Nuts & Bolts

If you checked in on Twitter any time during the past week, you probably saw multiple references to the Grantland story. Grantland, an online magazine associated with ESPN, ran an article about “Dr. V,” the mysterious woman behind Yar Golf. The journalist, Caleb Hannan, set out to write about a radical new putter taking the […]

Monday Bag o’ Miscellaney

One Friday night, back when buffalo wings first became popular, I decided to make them at home.  After cutting the wings, I breaded them by shaking them in a paper grocery bag filled with flour, a little paprika, some salt, and pinch or two of powdered cayenne.  Then I deep-fried the wings and dipped them […]