Here Be Bitmojis

I joined a closed Facebook community called “A Group Where We Pretend to be Boomers.” As you’d expect, members are baby boomers who make fun of themselves by posting as if they don’t understand the first thing about computers, email, the internet, and social media. To me, that’s more of a “greatest generation” thing, but I do know boomers my age who fit the stereotype well. But hey, isn’t Facebook mostly a boomer thing anyway? Aren’t all the youngsters on Snapfilter or whatever?

Monday Bag o’ Chicks

I thought it would take longer, but the hummingbird chicks are already out of their eggs. The photos are dated, so it’s easy to count the days. Mama bird laid her first egg on the 6th of April. She laid the second one a day later. Yesterday, the 27th of April, there were two chicks in the nest, […]

Thursday Bag o’ Apple

I finally have an iPhone. My life is now complete: except for Donna’s old Dell desktop (which I never use), every other wirelessly-connected electronic device in the house bears the silhouette of an apple. To some of you, Apple’s trademark may as well be the Mark of the Beast. I’ve been accused of knuckling under to conformity, […]