OTR Fini

Whenever we take a road trip, by motorcycle or car or airplane, I post OTR (on the road) updates to social media. When we return, the entry is “OTR fini.” Donna and I, with our friend Mary Anne, drove to Las Vegas Tuesday for a departed friend’s memorial service, which was held on Wednesday. We […]

Tuesday Bag o’ Callsigns (Updated 2/5/18)

That leaves Marine One, the callsign used by USMC helicopter crews flying the current president to and from the White House. This is the point of highest danger on my tour, because I refuse to say that president’s name. “Current president” is as close as I come; I have to carefully engage my tongue to my brain lest I blurt out “President Individual One” or something worse.

Thursday Bag o’ Updates

That’s my physical therapist, Jenny, who has put me through the paces for the last time: stretching, bending, climbing, riding; she who encourages patients, and me in particular, to work through the pain and get better. You know what? I’m going to miss her. From this point on I’m on my own with home exercises and a local gym […]


Passed another one this morning. A milestone, that is. I lowered myself down prone on the concrete garage floor to pump up the rear tire on my motorcycle (the Goldwing’s non-removable saddlebags won’t allow me to do it any other way). I got down and up without assistance. Hey, don’t scoff. That was a biggie. My 5 1/2-year-old titanium knee had to bear the brunt […]

Friday Bag o’ Outrage

Up & at ’em. Shave, shower, walk the dog, give the blog a goose before grocery shopping with Donna. Tuesday morning I’m having a skin cancer removed from the end of my nose. The nurse at the dermatologist’s office says the procedure will probably include a skin graft, which means my entire head will be […]

Wednesday Bag o’ Thoughts & Prayers

A year after 9/11, the Justice Department obtained video surveillance tapes suggesting terrorists were targeting Las Vegas casinos. Local authorities were informed, but no alert was issued because the casinos didn’t want tourists scared away. I blogged about it at the time, and wondered afterward why such an obvious target for terrorism had never been attacked.