Wednesday Bag o’ Tweets

I’ve always looked on Trump’s tweets as his way of blowing off steam, a window to a childish, vindictive soul. Maybe he’ll follow through on his threats once he’s president, maybe not. But a lot of prominent people, in and out of the media, take his tweets seriously.

Wednesday Bag o’ Hot Takes

Does anyone actually believe a 34-year-old northern California housewife was abducted for by two mysterious Hispanic women, held for 22 days with no ransom demand, then released by the side of a road 150 miles from where she was taken, bound, branded, and beaten? This Sacramento Bee article drips with skepticism, citing disbelieving cops and even a […]

Vigilance & Resistance

What now? Does anyone have a plan? Trump’s electoral vote victory reeks of GOP and Russian trickery. Hillary Clinton’s popular vote lead is now approaching two and a half million. Efforts to start recounts, at least in a few states where vote tampering was most apparent, are underway. But if you’re hoping for a surprise electoral college reversal, you’re going to be […]

Videoblogging Mt. Whitney

Here are three short YouTube videos I made by splicing sections of GoPro videos filmed while riding from Lone Pine, California to a trailhead on the eastern side of Mt. Whitney. My riding companions were Dave, a friend from Tucson who rides a BMW RT1200, and my son Gregory, riding a rented Indian Chief. We started […]

You Can’t Read That!

You Can’t Read That! is a periodic post featuring banned book reviews and news roundups. Something tells me I’ll have plenty of material for this column over the next four years. The Cattle Car Caucus is in power, and the Thought Police will be feeling their oats. Let the book burnings begin! YCRT! News What […]

Gypsy Tour Photoblog

Tuesday, November 8 to Sunday, November 13: six days and three states, about 1,700 miles, and lots of fun. My riding companions were my Tucson friend Dave on a BMW RT1200 and my son Gregory on an Indian Chief. Dave and I rode to Las Vegas to hook up with my son, who lives there. […]