Convention Watching

I’m watching the Democratic National Convention. Last week I watched the Republican National Convention. I don’t want to give the impression I’m obsessive about politics, but the coming election’s an important one and I want to know what forces are in play. Last week I watched prime time coverage of the RNC in Cleveland on network TV and […]


And now, from the personal back to the political (even though my friends like the personal posts better). Re Trump’s shouty speech: loved this tweet in spite of not knowing what “underpants-gnoming” meant: Naturally, I looked it up. Google steered me to this video clip, which explains it perfectly: [youtube][/youtube] In the random but disturbing thoughts department, […]

The Abyss Has No Bottom

Plagiarizing Michelle Obama’s speech is an act of chutzpah almost as breathtaking as Trump’s staged appearance in a field of blinding light and mist, itself surely plagiarized from a Watchtower pamphlet’s rendering of Christ greeting the chosen at the gates of Heaven.

Saturday Bag o’ Dryness

Up early this morning. Took a shower, toweled off, put on clean dry clothes, went outside to clean up dog poop and replenish bird feeders. Note to birds: no disrespect intended. Note to self: next time, shower after outside chores are done. You guessed it: a muggy morning in Tucson. You all know the delightful feeling of breaking […]

Magic 8 Ball Says: “Escape While You Can!”

Okay, I’ve got it now. When I need a new car, I must first spend a week comparison shopping. When Donna needs a new car, she gets to drive home the same day with the first one to catch her eye. If you read about Donna’s accident, you know we’ve been waiting for the final verdict […]

Five Minutes of Fame

Geeky but funny. A couple of nights ago I read a tweet from a guy who was having a run-in with a birther. In another tweet, the birther left a link to his website. I clicked on it. Hey, who wouldn’t jump on the opportunity to get the TRUTH about Obama? One glance and I knew I wouldn’t find it here: What followed […]

Friday Bag o’ Camel Spit

Our friend Angie’s here for a week, visiting from Tampa. She and I once worked together in the A-10 program at Davis-Monthan AFB here in Tucson. Her company, CAE, sent her from Tampa to Tucson when the USAF awarded it the DMAFB A-10 training contract. I signed on a year later and that’s when we met. She’s back at […]