‘Ello, ‘Ello

So now I’m on Ello too. And my wife says I’m not social. Let’s see: there’s Facebook, my own blogs (which number three, not counting the embroidery blog I set up for Donna), the Daily Kos diary page, Twitter, Google+, Flickr, and a Tumblr. I think at one point I had a LiveJournal account … oh, yeah, and […]

Evil Twitter, Saintly Dogs

I’m souring on Twitter. It’s still of use as a check on breaking news, but god, so many assholes piling on other assholes. It’s not just #gamergate: the other day I read a long series of tweets that seemed to be accusing actor Rainn Wilson of being a rapist. That was news to me, so I Googled it: apparently Wilson […]

Open Windows

I haven’t opened Windows since I got my iMac … no, seriously, I meant to write about actual windows, the kind you open to air out the house when the weather is nice. After months of running it full time, day and night, it’s a treat to turn off the air conditioning. We can feel the house […]

Tuesday Bag o’ Clouds (Updated)

I guess I’m going to have to learn about the cloud. I know, in general, about cloud computing, which is related to the cloud but not exactly the same thing. With cloud computing, instead of paying for and installing software on your own PC you can access similar software online, often for free, and prepare documents and spreadsheets […]

Tuesday Bag o’ Sweat

Sure, making fat cry is a laudable thing, but no one wants your sweaty fat teardrops on the equipment at the gym, and that’s why they have those handy wipe dispensers on the walls. Some guy wasn’t wiping down the machines after sweating on them at Anytime Fitness this morning, and it fell to me to be […]

Thinking About Twitter (Updated)

I don’t use Twitter the way I use Facebook. Maybe because I’m old and came to social media late in the game? Whatever, for me Facebook is about friends and family while Twitter is about news and events. Facebook friends are people I know. I’ve never met the people I follow on Twitter and probably never will. Who do I follow […]