Season’s Greetings
To all my readers, I wish you a merry Christmas and happy Hanukkah. Happy Boxing Day. I’ll try to check in again before New Year’s Day, but if my intentions are overcome by events, Happy New Year as well!
"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe." — Albert Einstein
To all my readers, I wish you a merry Christmas and happy Hanukkah. Happy Boxing Day. I’ll try to check in again before New Year’s Day, but if my intentions are overcome by events, Happy New Year as well!
You may have noticed a trend here toward fewer topical posts. More and more, I write about life, books, and aviation. Two windows are always open on my desktop monitor: one is this blog, the other the draft of the memoir I plug away at. The personal rides shotgun these days; politics and current events ride […]
Sunday, and another mixed bag of topics I want to say something about before I forget, topics which taken one by one wouldn’t rate posts of their own. ——————– Switching from snail mail to email for the annual holiday letter to friends and relatives seems like such a bright idea. Until you realize there are […]
When I grew up merchants and advertisers respected non-Christian customers by using Xmas instead of Christmas. Today, Xmas has been replaced by “the holidays.” That’s the spirit in which I use the word, to acknowledge the fact that, in the words of President Obama, “We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus […]
It’s been overcast, rainy, and gloomy outside since I rolled out of bed this morning. The payoff came a few minutes ago with this, the first sunlight of the day … and just in time for sunset! I’m told there’s snow higher up on the Santa Catalinas, but from where we live it’s still hidden […]