Monday Bag o’ Tricks

More and more, while surfing sites like Gawker — and even Facebook, where we’re supposedly interacting with friends — we’re tricked into clicking on reality videos with titillating titles. Oh, the videos are real enough, but the trick is we have to watch 15-second advertisements first. As much as I want to watch your dashcam […]

Tuesday Bag o’ Soothing Slogans

One of the things I strive to do is to keep calm and carry on. But oh, it’s hard, with all the stupidity and racism loose in the land. And I can’t decide which is the chicken and which is the egg, stupidity or racism. Maybe they’re the same thing. When racists went after Obama […]

Wednesday Bag o’ Wrongness

Amazon-Owned Goodreads Deleting Reviews Wholesale. So reads the scare headline at Making Light. I joined Goodreads three years ago. I’d been using a shitty online book application called Visual Bookshelf to catalog books I’d read and reviews I’d written. I’ve been delighted with Goodreads, a large, active community of readers, writers, and reviewers, and to date […]

Friday Bag o’ Random Crap

Today’s domestic project was to flush out the water heater. Until a year ago I didn’t know this was something I was supposed to do, but our plumber set us straight and now it’s on the annual to-do list. Why is it important? Because sediment from hard water builds up inside, makes it inefficient, and […]

Cynical Dog Whistles

I was born in Limbaugh Land: Cape Girardeau, Missouri. I’m four years older than Rush, but the Limbaughs were face cards in that town long before he (or even I) came along, and remain a powerful local dynasty today. One of them crunched my sister’s car a few years back. There was no question of […]