Light Saturday Posting

In Pima Air & Space Museum news, I’m ready to certify as a walking tour docent, but no one’s available to bless me until the 15th.  Knowing me, given two weeks to prepare I’ll cram so hard I’ll blow my certification tour by mixing up facts & figures for different airplanes or going off on […]

Undeniably and Reliably Dead

The news began to come in around 7:30 last night.  I was losing interest in a violent, depressing prison movie, so I picked up my smart phone to skim the latest on Twitter.  A few informed people, mostly news types, were just beginning to tweet about Osama bin Laden’s possible death.  Over the next half […]

I’m Wayne Carini’s Frenemy

The other night I was watching a rerun of one of my favorite guy shows, Chasing Classic Cars.  The host, Wayne Carrini, was helping some dude put together a world-class collection of desirable high-dollar cars: a rare Ferrari, an Auburn boat-tailed Speedster, a Mercedes-Benz 300SL.  Although the show didn’t divulge any biographical details, we in […]

Entrapping Mau Maus on Trail: a Science Fiction Plot?

I’ve never liked entrapment.  Not when the police do it, not when civilians do it.  Not when the right does it, not when the left does it.  I particularly don’t like it when people are tricked into voicing their personal, non-job-related opinions on things, then lose their jobs as a result.  But you know what […]

Tweet Me Up, Egyptian Valentine!

Valentine’s Day, our 45th. Should be old hat by now, right?  Not to mention that V-Day’s one of those “Hallmark holidays,” concocted and forced upon us by corporate overlords hoping to encourage a small off-season spike in flower and chocolate sales.  So you’d think I could be forgiven for forgetting . . . but I […]

Had It with Dumb Facebook Surveys? Make Your Own!

Which is exactly what I did.  And here it is: I was recently tagged with a Facebook survey.  The instructions were to go through a list of 50 books, indicating which ones I’d read.  The list was a mess: classics mixed with airport trash; books every schoolchild should have read mixed with Oprah-esque book club […]