Delayed Gratification

Donna gave me a cool birthday present this year — a class in camera phone photography, which I attended last week. In a surprise to absolutely no one, it seems I must upgrade to a phone with the latest and greatest camera.

How Is This 2022?

As promised Saturday, we voted. Armed fascist vigilantes are watching ballot drop boxes in Phoenix, but we didn’t see any here in Tucson, and we were looking for them. Maybe that’s because the drop box by our neighborhood library wasn’t there on Saturday — do they lock it up inside when the library’s closed? We […]

You Can’t Read That! Banned Book Review: The Perks of Being a Wallflower

The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky In a recent banned book news roundup, I linked to an article about a Florida high school teacher who innocently picked up a young adult novel and was shocked by what she read: “It was a book that I had never heard of before. When I […]