Rare Sunday Blogging

In an earlier post I mentioned making a determined effort to ride my bicycle more often.  This morning I took my bike downtown for a 7:00AM ride with a local club, the Doodahs.  This was my first Doodah ride, but it won’t be my last.  By the way, the ride started at Maynard’s, a restaurant […]

If It’s Frustrating, It Must Be Monday

Today, for the first time in 14 years, the doctor at the base clinic stood me up.  My appointment was at 0850; at 0920 I decided I had more important things to do.  Clearly wires had gotten crossed; they’ve never kept me waiting more than 5 minutes before.  I told the airman at the desk […]

Tuesday Blahs & August Doldrums

Our dachshund Schatzi has been listless and sleepy the last two days, not her normal frisky self.  All bodily functions seem normal, she’s eating, her nose feels cool and wet … in short, we don’t have any idea what’s wrong with her.  If only she could tell us, right?  If the pup doesn’t perk up […]

Friday Grab Bag

Our son Gregory arrived late Wednesday evening.  He’ll stay here with our grandson Quentin until Wednesday, when they drive home to Las Vegas.  We had a great few days with Quentin, but now we can turn the keep-the-eight-year-old-entertained duties to Greg.  Later today we three lads will visit Hooters for the traditional photo op; tonight […]

The Underwear Chronicles

This is awkward.  My daughter and I are Facebook friends.  I have learned to read her Facebook updates the same way educated North Koreans have learned to read the propaganda articles in Rodong Sinmun, as an indication of where the Kim regime’s collective head is at.  When my daughter starts posting intense rants, I know […]

Friday Odds & Ends

A friend lent me two hard science fiction novels, one sword & sorcery fantasy novel, and one Arthurian romance. I thought I’d enjoy the hard sci-fi (and I do) but her brand new paperbacks are in such perfect condition I’m afraid to open the pages wide enough to read because I’ll crease the books’ spines […]

Martians on Motorcycles, Elizabeth Taylor, Eagles & Strike Eagles (Updated)

I’m packing for a motorcycle trip to Nevada and Utah, tomorrow through Monday.  In Las Vegas I’ll stay with a friend, visit with the kids and grandkids, and take some day rides around southern Nevada; on Sunday my son and I are going on an all-day out & back ride to southwestern Utah, with Gregory […]