You Can’t Read That!
You Can’t Read That! is a periodic post about book banning, featuring news and opinion roundups, personal observations, and reviews.
"When I do not want to say things in real life I often say them here." — Mimi Smartypants
What’s going on in my life
You Can’t Read That! is a periodic post about book banning, featuring news and opinion roundups, personal observations, and reviews.
Did I mention we have an online cookbook? Over and over, you say? Well, please forgive me, but I’m rather proud of it.
I’m coming to grips with the new reality of an aging heart. So far the impact’s been mild, no more than an inconvenience compared to what I at first feared it’d be. I’m feeling fine. Long may it stay that way.
I guess it’s to be expected that 4th of July parades and gatherings are turning into mass shooting events, as they did yesterday in Chicago and Philadelphia.
Something tells me I should lead off by saying I don’t endorse this. Even so, my first reaction on seeing it was to say “Wow, take a stand much, Pima County Democratic Party?”
Yesterday, even before Cassidy Hutchinson had finished testifying before the Congressional committee investigating the January 6th attack on the Capitol, pundits and sages on Twitter were comparing her to Alexander Butterfield, the man who, in 1973, revealed Nixon’s White House taping system to the Watergate Committee.
I learned long ago, when commenting on hateful Twitter and Facebook posts, to screenshot the nasty stuff and not link to it lest racists and nazis get clicks they don’t deserve.
Putting out the garbage first thing in the morning once a week is just an extra step in my morning chores. So far it’s working: today there’s garbage all up and down the street, but none of it’s ours.