Reinert, R.I.P.
Why can’t dogs live longer?
"When I do not want to say things in real life I often say them here." — Mimi Smartypants
What’s going on in my life
Why can’t dogs live longer?
Donna just brought me a small plate with two half-donuts and some orange wedges. Oh, and three deviled eggs. My day’s off to a good start!
Along with an anxious nation, I’ve been following news of Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin’s secret hospitalization.
Maybe shoot off one last post for 2023? Yeah, that’s the ticket.
Merry Christmas to those who celebrate, as they say, and Merry Christmas anyway to those of you who don’t!
I guess I share too much, because my son Gregory keeps cautioning me not to mention this or that until he gives me the go-ahead.
I love the cards and letters we get from friends and family this time of year.
Christmas spirit? Not feeling it yet. I’m sure it’ll come. Probably on Christmas morning, about the time I put Handel’s Messiah on the CD player.