On the General Coarsening of Society

Speaking of bringing society down, why is it that whenever I see a sexually crude, grossly inappropriate post on Facebook, it was put there by a fellow Hash House Harrier? What are we, a pack of sniggering 13-year-olds?

Halfmindistan SITREP

My forces have been engaged in Halfmindistan for 15 years, almost as long as my country has been in Afghanistan. It may seem inappropriate to use a military metaphor for blogging about the hash, but if feel as if I’m at war with my hashing blog these days, so here’s a SITREP to bring you up to date.

Danger at the Door

Finally saw my first Kentucky Derby … actually my first horse race of any kind. Now here’s a televised sport I can endure while pretending to be as into it as everyone else in the room. I can do anything if I only have to do it for two minutes!

Trouble in Halfmindistan & Other Updates

I could let the Half-Mind Weblog die a natural death … my interests have moved away from hashing, and I no longer have anything of importance to contribute to the hashing community. For some reason, though, I feel I should preserve what’s there for current and future hashers.