Bubble Boy Takes to the Air

Last week Jon Stewart weighed in on the Republican/Fox News hissy fit over the White House inviting the rapper Common to a poetry reading.  Stewart’s segment — especially his  masterful takedown of the deeply stupid Sean Hannity — was brilliant.  If you missed it, here’s a link to the video. Then, last night, MSNBC’s Ed […]

Friday Odds & Ends

A friend lent me two hard science fiction novels, one sword & sorcery fantasy novel, and one Arthurian romance. I thought I’d enjoy the hard sci-fi (and I do) but her brand new paperbacks are in such perfect condition I’m afraid to open the pages wide enough to read because I’ll crease the books’ spines […]

Air-Minded: Survival

Today they call it SERE, for Survival Evasion Resistance Escape.  When I went through the training in the mid-1970s, it was called Survival School. What prompted the memory was last night’s Netflix rental, the epic survival movie The Way Back, a story about escapees from a Siberian prison camp who trekked 4,000 miles across Russia, […]

Full Steam Ahead on DADT Repeal

First some background, from a post I wrote on 30 November 2010: Yesterday, listening to an NPR report on the DoD’s Don’t Ask/Don’t Tell survey of military personnel, it hit me that if gays are permitted to openly serve, the thorny issue of same-sex marriage will soon follow. I probably don’t know what I’m talking […]

On the Degradation of Public Discourse

Some say it started with rock’n’roll. Others blame Dr. Spock. Me, I think it goes back to Sam Peckinpah’s 1972 movie The Getaway, one of the first mass market films to glorify and glamorize criminal behavior. Saturday morning we rode our bicycles down to Tucson’s 4th Avenue.  It was our weekly ride and coffee-shop run, […]

New Deal? Why Not?

In the wake of bin Laden’s death, political pressure is mounting for a quick withdrawal from Afghanistan.  We were leaving anyway: Obama announced months ago that we are going to draw down force levels there, and we’re already in the process of bringing troops home from Iraq. What happens when the troops come home?  Unless […]