Air-Minded: the Non-Starter Option? (Updated 11/20/15)
Fuck stealth. There isn’t an air force in the world that won’t turn tail and run from a wall of Eagles coming its way.
"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe." — Albert Einstein
Fuck stealth. There isn’t an air force in the world that won’t turn tail and run from a wall of Eagles coming its way.
A couple of casual observations to start the weekend. ——————– Lately, Rachel Maddow has been asking why Congress isn’t debating President Obama’s military campaign against ISIS in Iraq and Syria. It’s surely odd that Congress, which interferes with or tries to block everything else the President does, is allowing him free rein to conduct the […]
Happy? Sure, why not? For one thing, this bag makes me happy. I wonder if I can find one for Donna? Damn, that was fast … thanks, Google! And only $79,95! Well, maybe for Christmas. I’d be happier if Donna weren’t coming down with the cold I’m finally shaking off. The bad part is she […]