Jerking Knees and Pedicures

I’m conservative when it comes to big things like morality and personal integrity. Lesser things too: grammar, punctuality, neatness. I have no use for those who don’t live up to positive societal values, the important ones that help us work together to make life better for everyone. I reject those who want to bring us […]

Trailer Trash (with Money)

Just when you think a presidential candidate would be trying to say something intelligent about the terrorist attacks in Brussels, Donald Trump is sending out nasty, insinuating tweets about a rival candidate’s wife. And this interview with Washington Post editors? Lord almighty: RYAN: You [MUFFLED] mentioned a few minutes earlier here that you would knock ISIS. You’ve mentioned […]

Fixing the Holes in the Net

If you’d told me I’d ever agree with anything Wayne LaPierre, the National Rifle Association’s executive vice president and spokesman, said, I’d have thought you were crazy.

Tuesday Bag o’ Pussy

Criticism of Obama is agenda-driven (that agenda being total opposition to anything a a black Democrat president does) and would be just as nasty no matter what he did. Killing Osama bin Laden? Total pussy. Busting up dozens of planned terrorist plots against American targets? Total pussy. Preventing a repeat of 9/11? Total pussy. Bombing ISIS? Total pussy. Ah, but if Putin drops a few bombs on ISIS, more than a year after Obama started dropping bombs on ISIS, he’s a real man, right?

On the Road, Talkin’ War

Daesh terrorists hit Paris while my buddies and I were in California on a motorcycle trip. We talked about it during stops, and were glued to our motel room TVs at night. I felt, and still feel, that what happened in France has the potential to swing our upcoming presidential election to the Republican candidate, whoever that […]

Trumped Again, By Golly!

No, I wasn’t thinking of The Donald. I was thinking of this guy: Pretty much shows you where the battle lines are drawn today. Thank you, Antonin Scalia, for perverting the meaning of the 2nd Amendment and giving the gun nuts something to hide behind. Hide behind the 2nd Amendment they might, but sensible people will continue to fight […]

Better Safe than Sorry (Updated)

When it comes to Muslim-Americans, that is … The stupid, it burns! Updated (9/20/15): And then there’s this, the revelation that Ahmed’s clock is not what he claims it to be, which has changed my thinking. Not about how stupid we look when we overreact to Muslims in our midst, but about the specific case […]