Éirinn go Milis Sé Déag
Happy Saint Patrick’s Day, I’m sixteen years sober!
"When I do not want to say things in real life I often say them here." — Mimi Smartypants
Feeding body and soul
Happy Saint Patrick’s Day, I’m sixteen years sober!
Donna made polenta last night.
Donna and I tuned in late to the Super Bowl and missed the national anthem. Both of them.
No InstaPot shortcuts for this guy! No InstaPot either …
If asked, I’d say Donna and I would rather cook with gas.
“Ankles are deceptively large. Even the pretty delicate-looking ones.”
Itazuke Tower, this is Air Force 801.
I don’t mind confessing that my favorite thing about colder weather is not having to walk the dogs at the crack of dawn.