Another Breezy Update . . . Now with Vampires!

My Nook e-reader came with a copy of Bram Stoker’s Dracula. Although prudishly Edwardian, it’s still a great read, full of fascinating vampire lore.  I thought I knew all that stuff from movies I’d watched as a kid, but after reading the original, I realize the movies got a lot of it wrong. Since reading […]

Updated: Where’s Norman Rockwell When You Need Him?

Update (11/24/10, 4:45 PM): Thanksgiving has been saved! The electrician came, and the house is rewired for a double oven.  The appliance store tech came but couldn’t fix the oven.  And he wasn’t going to do anything about it until Friday.  No way, we said, and it turned out an almost identical double oven was […]

Had It with Dumb Facebook Surveys? Make Your Own!

Which is exactly what I did.  And here it is: I was recently tagged with a Facebook survey.  The instructions were to go through a list of 50 books, indicating which ones I’d read.  The list was a mess: classics mixed with airport trash; books every schoolchild should have read mixed with Oprah-esque book club […]

Banned Book News Roundup

A conservative book-banner’s question: why can’t our school libraries be filled with lofty thoughts written by dead white men again? And here’s the expected pinko response. Books the right would cheerfully ban. An old (1994) essay by conservative columnist Thomas Sowell, saying there’s no such thing as book-banning in the USA.  I’m calling bullshit.  If […]

The Facebook Survey, Bane of My Existence

This survey was forwarded to me by my Facebook friend Jill.  Several questions were missing (17-23, 29-33, 36-37, 45).  I filled in the blanks with my own questions and answers, then added a bonus question at the end. I also awarded myself 100 Facebook Points™ for answering them all. Here are the instructions included with […]