A conservative book-banner’s question: why can’t our school libraries be filled with lofty thoughts written by dead white men again?
And here’s the expected pinko response.
Books the right would cheerfully ban.
An old (1994) essay by conservative columnist Thomas Sowell, saying there’s no such thing as book-banning in the USA. I’m calling bullshit. If a school or library removes a book from its shelves, it has banned that book.
YGBSM! Maryland parents want to ban Brave New World?
Just how opposed to book banning are you? Here’s a test.
Oh, my, what will these helicopter parents do when their kids go off to college?
Here’s a related case of helicopter parents actually suing a school to get a book banned. Never underestimate the power of the n-word!
It’s not just parents who want to ban books. Often it’s the rich & powerful, trying to avoid publicity and ridicule.
A book-banning threat in Plano. Texas, narrowly averted (for now).