Idiocracy Now

My experience with new year’s resolutions has been generally unsatisfactory.  With me … and with almost everyone I know … resolutions are prescriptions for self-induced stress, ultimate failure, and consequent depression.  They suck. That’s not to say I haven’t made deals with myself and stuck to them: I successfully quit smoking years ago and more […]

I Know It When I See It

Donna’s never been able to sit through a violent movie. She’s fine with the occasional fistfight or car crash in an action thriller … I’m not saying she’s strictly G-rated … but movies that glorify violence, or that are based on violence and not much else, are not her thing. Maybe I’m just going through […]

Town Without Pity

Hat tip to Nancy Nall for pointing me toward this New York Times article about small town gossip run rampant on an internet forum.  People in Mountain Grove, Missouri used to swap gossip face to face at Dee’s Place, but these days they have ” … shifted from sharing the latest news and rumors over […]

M Is for Monday, Medicare, and Memories (Why I Didn’t Write a 9/11 Post)

Oh lord, is it that time already?  First the AARP membership, then the Social Security, now Medicare.  My 65th birthday is rapidly approaching, and with it the transition from Tricare (the military’s medical insurance plan for retirees) to Medicare.  Last month I applied for a Medicare card from the Social Security office.  Today I drove […]

You Want Fries with That?

President Obama’s going to deliver a speech about jobs tonight.  I’m done with speeches and probably won’t watch.  Obama’s not getting anything through this congress, so what’s the point?  Given his past behavior, I think he’s going to make a rousing speech, then cave to the Republicans and give away the store.  The only jobs […]

Intolerant Tuesday Blogging (for Jesus!)

Last Friday, I wrote about trouble in one of the local Hash House Harrier clubs. A member known for picking fights in the past showed up at a recent event and hit two or three hashers. Someone contacted me and asked my opinion on whether the guy should be banned from the club altogether. I […]

Thursday Is a Venting Day!

Pardon the mess.  My head just exploded. Never mind his hurt fee-fees over the mean things Obama said, and the strong possibility he’s only saying this to hurt Rick Perry’s chances … this is Karl Rove himself saying it’s offensive to describe America as a Christian nation. Yes! For years now the Christian right, specifically […]